Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The latest happy news in town is that Dr GIGI is charged with LAND FRAUD by the MACC in the Shah Alam Magistrate Court.

Please do not celebrate as this could be a WAYANG KULIT by the govt because THE GENERAL ELECTION is coming soon. As Parties in the Pakatan Rakyat Group is fighting among themselves, it is a good time for BN to call for a GE.

Unless Dr GIGI is proven guilty in court,we cannot celebrate like what happen to Eric Chia and Kasitah Gaddam where in the end both was set free by the court.It would not be a surprised to me if DR GIGI trial is for SHOW ONLY and in the end DR GIGI has NO CASE TO ANSWER.

As we all know .we cannot trust the MACC and the AG given their track record,but my trust in both this agencies will improve if they can CONVICT DR GIGI AND SENT HIM TO JAIL AND CREATE AN EXAMPLE OUT OF HIM.

I will also not surprise if Char Koay teow Ling Liong Sik is set free by the court.

In the meantime,we just wait for the BIG DECISION DAY.